(Still a day late)
1) Despite what I may have told a graphic designer friend of mine, bad fonts do exist in germany: i.e., late 90s, 'intelligent drum n' bass' album cover modern- looking dated just like all things supposedly from the future do. Must have been the product of an attempt to break away from Helvetica. Think of a bad euro nightclub built out of ice blocks where the offspring of a soviet project to clone supermodels serve you vodka from bottles that look like they might have been props from Demolition Man. (Sorry I didn't bother to snap any pics- but putting it into words is more fun anywayz)
2) Got scammed on the subway buying a pass from some dude who had a stack of them- shows the legit ticket on top of his pile then takes illegit ticket from the middle and gives it to me. Expired ten minutes beforehand. Tried to feel better about it by thinking that he had a pretty good racket and that was how he survived and that I was just a nice guy, but then only felt more pathetic for catching myself reasoning in this way.
3) Hung out with Nate's pal Matt at a Straßecafé over coffee and beers, who elaborated to me an extensive and brilliant analysis of Dark Knight- won't spoil it though, I will post link to it when he's done writing it. Also had stimulating discussion about presidential race in the states and global politics which made me think I have been too much of a disengaged, jaded cunt of late. Matt is starting political commentary blog with friend- wait for link to it too.
4) My comment about girls being cuter than guys was a bait for destiny to prove me wrong- which it did. Ogled girl with amazing legs on subway. On a different note, saw a dude on the subway with perma-smile. He had to try really hard not to have a giant toothy grin on his face. Sucks to be him. I really felt bad for him- I imagine he has to try to act happy all the time because that's what people are expecting of him, and he can't really be openly solemn and serious about something because everyone would always be waiting for some kind of punchline...
5) May have witnessed what appeared to be a drunken, Czechoslovakian wedding from Hotel window in Mitte. However witness testimony here is also quite drunken.
6) Omnipresence of über-stylish kids here is cool and exciting, but also makes me feel all the more über-comfortable in white tee and jeans. Would, however like a nice, simple vest. Not skinny enough to rock it, will probably get over it soon anyways.
7) Went to Holocaust memorial and had a small argument with my dad about having my picture taken inside. We conversed briefly and inanely about the construction of the concrete boxes, then I cut off in a different direction and lost him for a bit. It was raining a fine mist and the water formed droplets on the sides of the boxes like tears because they are coated in anti-graffitti substance. (Ironically, it was revealed, manufactured by DuPont chemicals who allegedly sold to the Nazis.. I dunno- whatever I guess, the memorial is pretty much soul-shaking)
8) Rode bike around Mitte drunk til 3am by myself, saw a fox in an alley below the S-bahn near Friedrichstraße, and then a rabbit on a bridge near a small street called Monbijoustraße. There is also a street nearby called 'Chaussestraße'- which, as Matt pointed out to me, is a quaint little redundancy. ('Chausse' being french for street- 'Streetstreet')
9) Cobblestone makes everything sound better- footsteps, tires, bottles rolling down the street... My dad keeps saying he wishes he could record all the sounds. It's true there is a city of sounds apart from everything else.
10) All prositutes are mandated by law to wear gogo boots. They are also really nice. Dad chatted up prostitute named Sammy from Seattle and shared her umbrella while I grabbed some Fritten mit Holländisch (fries and hollandaise). Don't tell mom.
I have a few more, better pictures to post but too lazy to download them off my phone now.. (I still kinda suck at taking good pics- such a fucking tourist)
Mark E - Slave 1
aw, eben, i can't believe i'm moving back to st. c in four days and you're not going to be there. thank goodness we're both obsessive writing geeks!
so, the design is not it's all cracked up to be, is it? no one wants to admit they're imitating les suisse and then they are forced (or so they think) to create some bullshit nationalistic design style (oh, how german of them!). too bad no one has it down like austria and switzerland...makes travelling, well, ugly, at times. meh, i'm a little helevetica'd out at the moment. you can thank vancouver for that one. anyway, whatever, go to switzerland and get yer rocks off on modernity. tell me how THAT feels. boy, am i jealous.
aaah, take it all in eben and keep writing. this is NOT boring, despite your concerns. i know it's tedious to write that way, but you'll get more used to it and be able to siphon out the random bullshit you'll know no one cares to hear about.
miss you.
cheers to NR!
Not at all boring...we started to blog the same week, me about being a stay-at-home mom, you about travelling the world...very different. I have old drawings you did in my high school agenda that I have kept. I commit to finding them this week and e-mailing them to you. May the adventure continue.
Oh cool, so it looks like I found your non-gay blog. You know, just slipped in through the profile portal. It's way less lame in here!
p.s. I found that Louis Armstrong lighter a few days after you left and I flashed on you saying "I have a feeling that I'll have this lighter for a long time to come," and I almost cried because of how wrong you were... JK, that's not why I cried... I do have the lighter though and I will keep it close.
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