Hallo alle! Und vielen freundlichen Grüße von Deutschland! (Hey everybody! And many friendly greetings from germany)
First off, lots of love to all my friends and family who made sure to see me off in true style- the party at Kahlin's was truly touching and for everyone who I had to say goodbye to before then, thanks for your heartfelt farewells. I will miss all of you like crazy.
I am sitting at the window in our hotel in Frankfurt catching some wifi from down the street, and watching the day wind down over the city. What can I say? This place is truly a soul-fuck. From the weird-looking vehicles, to the cobblestone sidewalks, to the beers at the newsstands, indoor smoking, and german minimal techno in the elevators (actually, no) I feel immersed in something I've yet to come around to. It is really fun though, and I will have tons to write about and lots of pics to post.
As far as contacting me, I will be on facebook and gmail for chats and msgs, but I'm not sure about txting because I've yet to find a plan that will be reasonable enough for me. Also, many people may not be set up to get txts internationally, so I think I will just get a killer data plan and see about using facebook etc. from my phone. I do have a number here now, which is 49.1787.776.498, but this may only be a tentative one until I get a plan.
Tomorrow we are off to Berlin! Until then, vielen freundlichen Grüße!
(A little bit of nighttime krautrock for y'all)
1 comment:
wooo! blog comments! since you've been so diligent with my blog, i promise to do the same.
i miss you already (well, i've been missing you for three months, already). my return trip will not be the same without you but christmas...oh, christmas...that will be one hell of an amiable reunion.
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